I recently took a crash course in philosophy and one of the questions (from the millions it seems) is, what is a game? How would you define it? What makes it up? I love the inquisitive questions and quotes by Elizabeth Gilbert which help clear up (cool convention by the way :)
Thanks! Yeah when I studied at NYU Game Center, we had to read a lot of writing about stuff like "What is a game" "What is fun". It was very enlightening but sometimes the writing good get pretty dense and un-fun lol. Curious to hear what were the findings from your course. But yeah, Elizabeth Gilbert has lots of great lines in her book Big Magic
I agree sometimes it hurts my brain to think so much let alone write it out. I'll just have to stick to reading and try her book Big Magic. Thanks for sharing it.
I recently took a crash course in philosophy and one of the questions (from the millions it seems) is, what is a game? How would you define it? What makes it up? I love the inquisitive questions and quotes by Elizabeth Gilbert which help clear up (cool convention by the way :)
Thanks! Yeah when I studied at NYU Game Center, we had to read a lot of writing about stuff like "What is a game" "What is fun". It was very enlightening but sometimes the writing good get pretty dense and un-fun lol. Curious to hear what were the findings from your course. But yeah, Elizabeth Gilbert has lots of great lines in her book Big Magic
I agree sometimes it hurts my brain to think so much let alone write it out. I'll just have to stick to reading and try her book Big Magic. Thanks for sharing it.